Welcome to the Why Behind the What where the 'what' can spark a conversation; the 'why' can open up one's soul. In Season Three, we are discovering the Divine all around us, seeing the Spiritual in everything, and hopefully being surprised by the Sacred. Learn more at nathanalbert.com.

Monday Jun 06, 2016
S.1 Episode Six: The Why Behind Embracing Love
Monday Jun 06, 2016
Monday Jun 06, 2016
In this episode, I share why I wrote my book, Embracing Love: My Journey to Hugging a Man in His Underwear. After giving a summary of how my book came into existence, I also share a model for church I call Belong Believe Become and how many churches, unfortunately, reverse this model.
For those interested, Embracing Love is available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or the Covenant Bookstore. An eBook version is available for the Kindle, Nook, iBooks, and Google Play.

Friday May 20, 2016

Monday May 09, 2016
S.1 Episode Four: 1440 And Counting with Tony Gapastione
Monday May 09, 2016
Monday May 09, 2016
In this episode, I interview Tony Gapastione. He is an actor, pastor, and filmmaker. Most recently, he released his film 1440 and Counting and will soon begin production on his second film, Neighbor.
You can find out more about Tony, his work and films at tonygap.com

Monday Apr 25, 2016
S.1 Episode Three: Tap Dancing Dresses with Jeff Kready
Monday Apr 25, 2016
Monday Apr 25, 2016
In this episode, Nathan interviews Jeff Kready, Broadway performer who has starred in such shows as A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder, Billy Elliot, and Les Miserables. They talk tap dancing dresses, the struggles of performing, the joys of storytelling, and the way faith plays a role.
Check out Jeff's website or follow him on Twitter.

Monday Apr 11, 2016
S.1 Episode Two: Colossians, Indicatives, and the Why
Monday Apr 11, 2016
Monday Apr 11, 2016
In this episode, I share an example of the why behind the what from the letter to the Colossians. In it, he reminds listeners the 'what' comes from Colossians 3-4, but the 'why' comes from Colossians 1-2.

Friday Mar 25, 2016
S.1 Episode One: The Why Behind the What
Friday Mar 25, 2016
Friday Mar 25, 2016
Welcome to the first episode of The Why Behind the What.